The youngest daughter of Harry and Lucy Forth was Mary Lillian Grace, known as Grace. Ivy was born two years later, but died at birth. Grace was born July 22, 1912, in Utterson. Her birth record states that she was born at the Utterson Hospital, but as there WAS no Utterson Hospital to speak of, I have inferred that she was born in the “four corner” house as described by Aunt Mabel.
Grace Forth is sitting on the arm of the chair and
Mabel Forth is sitting in the chair.
Left to right - Mabel, Grace, and Viola
Grace wrote the following in her sister Viola’s autograph book in 1929. She had very lovely handwriting!
I know relatively little about Grace, although she lived in Parry Sound with her husband, John Edward (Uncle Jack) Scott, and their two children, Darlene and Roy. Grace was very shy and quiet as I recall. And she loved to drink tea! I sometimes stopped in to visit on my way home from the Saturday afternoon movies, but never stayed long enough to really become a nuisance - I hope! As Darlene married two years after I was born, I have very few memories of her. Roy was only six years older than I, and we spent time together at Aunt Vi’s cottage. He was then and remains today a very big tease! He and his wife, Sylvia, had four children.
After Uncle Jack Scott died in 1972, Aunt Grace went to live with Gran and Aunt Vi in the house on Waubeek Street. I believe this photo of Grace, Mabel and Edna (Gran) was taken on a day they took a cruise on the Island Queen out of Parry Sound sometime in the late 1970’s. I assume it was Aunt Vi who took the photo!
Grace lived with Vi and Edna until her passing in 1980. She and Jack are buried in Foley Memorial Cemetery in Foley Township.
This headstone photo is from the Northeastern Ontario Gravemarker Gallery, which later became the Canadian Gravemarker Gallery owned by Murray Pletsch. Murray granted me permission to use his photos in my research. Murray retired his website July 31, 2017.
Canada’sGenWeb Cemetery Project is incorporating all Canadian Gravemarker Gallery photos into their database.