I have recounted the life of Jan Janse Ouderkerk as accurately as I am able. A project such as this requires a LOT of research. I have been helped along the way by various other researchers who have pointed me in a direction or provided source materials. Many of the materials I used are available online, some with a subscription only and some only in hard copy. The links below worked at the time of this writing. If you find errors or links that no longer work, please be sure to let me know!
“A Dutch Cooper’s Legacy: an Ouderkirk Story From 1660”, by Shirley E. Forth
Shirley’s book is no longer in print. There has been one reprint to date. The publisher, Robert Stewart, can be contacted at [email protected]
and he can add you to his list in case he does another reprint. I have a personal copy.
“Contributions for the Genealogies of the First Settlers of the Ancient County of Albany, From 1630-1800”, by Jonathan Pearson
“Early Records of the City and County of Albany and the Colony of Rensselaerswyck 1656-1675”, translated by Jonathan Pearson
“Early Records of the City and County of Albany and the Colony of Rensselaerswyck 1678-1704”, translated by Jonathan Pearson
“Early Records of the City and County of Albany and the Colony of Rensselaerswyck 1660-1690”, translated by Jonathan Pearson, revised and edited by A. J. F. Van Laer
“Marriage Records
of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of Schenectady N.Y” copied by Charlotte Taylor Luckhurst
“Minutes of the Court of Albany, Rensselaerswyck and Schenectady 1668-1673
Vol. I”, translated and edited by A. J. F. Van Laer
“Minutes of the Court of Albany, Rensselaerswyck and Schenectady 1675-1680
Vol. II”, translated and edited by A. J. F. Van Laer
“Minutes of the Court of Albany, Rensselaerswyck and Schenectady 1680-1685
Vol. III”, translated and edited by A. J. F. Van Laer
(The above three links are all from Ancestry.ca. In order to view the documents, you will likely need a subscription. If anyone finds a site that does not require a subscription, PLEASE let me know so I can share it!)
“Minutes of the Court of Fort Orange and Beverwyck 1652-1660”, translated and edited by A. J. F. Van Laer (NB This is a large file of 14 MB.)
“The Ouderkerk Family Genealogy Vol. II”, edited by H. John Ouderkirk and Raymond D. Ouderkirk
This book is no longer in print but can be found at some libraries. I have my own copy of the book but cannot locate a digitized version. I am happy to do look-ups in the book for anyone who is interested.
(This link will only allow you to view the book if you view it from a Family History Library, affiliate library, or Family History Centre.)
The Ouderkirk Family Genealogical Association website, which provides details on ordering the above two books, as well as Family Newsletters, appears to be a site that is no longer active. After both Raymond D. Ouderkirk and H. John Ouderkirk died, it seems that no one took over their work.
“US Dutch Reformed Church Records from Selected States, 1660-1926”, Albany, Vol. I
“US Dutch Reformed Church Records from Selected States, 1660-1926”, Albany, Vol. II
(The above two links are from Ancestry.com. In order to view the documents, you will likely need a subscription.)
Biographies, maps and records about early Albany were found at the online project “The People of Colonial Albany Live Here”. Stefan Bielinski was the founder and director of the Colonial Albany Social History Project, a model community history program at the New York State Museum. Although he retired in 2013, he continues to work on adding to the online project as a volunteer.